Get to Know Mary

Mary Clinic Support & Maintenance
Mary joined La Crosse in 2005 after needing a change from her 17-year career as a kennel supervisor and humane officer at the local Humane Society. While she had plenty of experience with animals, Mary still lacked clinic experience. She got hired on as a vet tech assistant and with on-the-job training, she continued that role for 15 years. She loved helping and making a difference in the lives of the animals and their owners. Health issues forced Mary to take a break from her job, but after 4 months she was missing her wonderful coworkers. She returned to us in early 2021, and now she supports our team with behind the scene logistics and we’re thrilled to have her back!
Mary and her partner of 32 years live on the river in the house she grew up in, and they have 5 furry kids together: 3 Beagles named Kelsee, Idgee, and Doree; a black and white domestic shorthair named Zeke, and an orange tiger domestic shorthair named Lucy Lu. Some of Mary’s favorite things to do in her free time are bike riding, going out on the pontoon, fishing in the summer, and sitting on her deck watching the wildlife activity on the river behind her house.